
Gloucester Construction Accident Lawyer

Gloucester Construction Accident Lawyer

Gloucester Construction Accident Lawyer

Four construction hats hanging on a fence representing how you can consult with a Gloucester construction accident lawyer.Virginia construction workers are exposed to extreme threats on a daily basis, most of which are inherent in the workplace environment. Employers may not be able to prevent them despite the exercise of due caution, so injury-causing accidents remain a threat. Through no fault of your own, you could suffer serious bodily harm and other losses simply for doing your job. Fortunately, lawmakers who anticipated the devastating consequences implemented a workers’ compensation system that pays benefits to construction employees like you. 

Still, the process of filing a claim can be complicated. Errors and omissions can lead to significant delays in receiving your benefits, or you could be denied. It is critical to trust a Gloucester construction accident lawyer, so please contact Hampton Injury Law for assistance right away. You may also benefit from reviewing some basic information about workers’ comp laws in Virginia.

OSHA’s “Fatal Four” Construction Accidents: The construction site is such a hazardous environment that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration has actually classified certain injuries as the “Fatal Four” in workplace accidents. These incidents are linked to more than one in five of all employee deaths, and they are behind 58.6% of all construction worker fatalities in 2018. The Fatal Four construction accidents include: 

  • Falls, which cause more than one-third of deaths in construction;
  • Being struck by an object, a factor behind more than 11%t of all fatalities;
  • Electrocution, a cause of 8.5% of deaths; and,
  • Being caught or in-between an object, at 5.5% of fatalities.

Summary of Virginia Workers’ Comp Laws

While more personal injury matters require you to prove that someone was negligent in causing an accident, you do not need to show that your employer was at fault under the state workers’ comp system. However, you do need to meet certain eligibility rules. The laws only cover employees, as opposed to independent contractors. Plus, you must be injured in an on-the-job construction accident. 

There are some other important factors to keep in mind: 

  • Workers’ comp is your sole remedy in most cases, so you cannot file a lawsuit in civil court.
  • You can recover many types of benefits described below, but you are not eligible to obtain damages for pain and suffering.
  • There are exceptions to these rules if a third party was responsible for causing your injuries in a construction accident. 

Workers’ Comp Benefits for Injured Construction Workers

If you do qualify under Virginia’s eligibility rules and comply with strict deadlines, you may be entitled to such benefits as:

  • Current and future medical costs;
  • Permanent or temporary payments for a total or partial disability;
  • Vocational training; and,
  • Death benefits, if a family member was killed in a construction accident.

Talk to a Gloucester Construction Accident Lawyer About Your Options

If you were hurt in a construction accident and want to know more about workers’ comp laws, please call Hampton Injury Law to set up a no-cost case evaluation. After reviewing your unique circumstances, a Virginia workers’ compensation attorney can advise you on eligibility, explain your benefits, and assist with the claims process.


Practice Areas

Workers’ Compensation

Construction Accidents

Maritime Claims

Industrial Accidents

Loss Of Vision

Work Travel Accidents

Loss Of Hearing

Workplace Fatalities

Pneumoconiosis, Silicosis & Byssinosis

Loss Of Limbs

Work Machinery Or Equipment Accidents

Workplace Hazard Injuries



Lifetime Medical Benefits


Wage Benefits



Work With An Experienced Virginia Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Virginia workman’s comp lawyer Jan Hoen is prepared to fight to protect your legal rights. Contact Hampton Injury Law as soon as possible after a work injury and allow attorney Jan Hoen to use his resources and experience to fight for you.

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