
Workers’ Comp Lawyers Hampton, VA

Workers’ Comp Lawyers Hampton, VA

Workers’ Comp Lawyers Hampton, VA

Man applying for workers compensation representing how you should contact our Hampton workers comp lawyers for assistance.

In many ways, employees working for companies around Hampton can consider themselves lucky. Of the 125,600 workplace injuries reported to the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission (VWCC) every year, less than 2% occur in Hampton, VA. However, despite the fact that you are less likely to be hurt on the job, your losses may still be devastating if you are one of the 1,000 to 2,000 workers hurt in these work-related accidents annually. With every passing day of work that you miss, your medical costs and other bills are piling up. 

You may get some comfort from knowing that state workers’ compensation laws provide you with options, so you may be able to start receiving benefits right away if you qualify. Our team at Hampton Injury Law can advise you on eligibility and assist with the claims process, so please contact our office today. We can set up a case evaluation with one of our workers’ comp lawyers in Hampton, VA, but you can also read on for some important information.

 Overview of Virginia’s Workers’ Compensation System

Workers’ comp laws aim to provide employees with the medical care and wage replacement benefits they need promptly, so workers can get back on the job as quickly as possible. Instead of proving that your employer was at fault in causing your medical condition, you need to show that you qualify under Virginia workers’ comp laws. The requirements include:

  • Your employer must be required by law to carry workers’ comp insurance, a mandate for all companies with three or more employees.
  • You must be a covered employee instead of an independent contractor.
  • Your injury or illness must be the result of work-related conditions.
  • You must prove you were working within the scope of your employment when you were injured or developed an occupational disease.
  • You need to notify your employer of your workplace injuries or illness within 30 days after the accident or diagnosis. 

Benefits for Qualifying Employees

The source of funds for benefits is the insurance company that provides coverage for your employer, so you will need to file a workers’ comp claim. In some cases, you may get quick approval and start receiving benefits shortly thereafter. Other claims may be resolved by the settlement to taking your case before VWCC or other legal action. You can trust our workers’ comp lawyers at Hampton Injury Law to represent you throughout the process. We will seek benefits for: 

  • Your medical costs for current treatment, as well as future care for your work-related medical condition;
  • Total and partial disability, on a permanent or temporary basis; and,
  • Death benefits if you lost a loved one because of a workplace injury or illness.

Speak to Our Workers’ Comp Lawyers in Hampton, VA About the Legal Process

To learn more about your rights, please call Hampton Injury Law to set up a case evaluation with a Virginia workers’ compensation attorney. After reviewing your circumstances and determining eligibility, we can advise you on the claims process for obtaining monetary benefits.


Practice Areas

Workers’ Compensation

Construction Accidents

Maritime Claims

Industrial Accidents

Loss Of Vision

Work Travel Accidents

Loss Of Hearing

Workplace Fatalities

Pneumoconiosis, Silicosis & Byssinosis

Loss Of Limbs

Work Machinery Or Equipment Accidents

Workplace Hazard Injuries



Lifetime Medical Benefits


Wage Benefits



Work With An Experienced Virginia Workers’ Compensation Attorney

Virginia workman’s comp lawyer Jan Hoen is prepared to fight to protect your legal rights. Contact Hampton Injury Law as soon as possible after a work injury and allow attorney Jan Hoen to use his resources and experience to fight for you.

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