Workplace accidents can result in more than the loss of an extremity, such as the use of a hand or foot; it could result in the loss of vision, leaving an affected worker partially or entirely blind. Loss of vision is a severe condition and may be disabling to the point where the injured worker cannot return to work or acquire a different job in the future. It may also result in a serious lifestyle change for the affected worker. If you have been in a workplace accident that has resulted in the loss of vision, workers’ compensation attorney Mr. Jan Hoen of Hampton Injury Law will be here to represent you.
Under the state of Virginia’s workers’ compensation laws, a worker can qualify for permanent partial disability (PPD) benefits when an injury results in vision loss. As explained by the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission, the percentage of visual acuity lost is based on a Snellen chart (which uses the 20/20 measurement). If an injured worker was already vision impaired, then their vision impairment rating as a result of the new injury is subtracted from their initial rating. For example, if a person has 20/25 vision, then their percentage of loss of visual acuity is five percent. If a workplace accident leaves them with 20/110 vision, which has a loss percentage of 80 percent, then five is subtracted from 80, with the final rating being 75 percent of loss vision acuity.
If the vision loss is permanent, PPD benefits will be paid to the worker for 100 weeks. The amount of compensation that you will be paid is equivalent to 66 ⅔ percentage of your average weekly wage. For example, if you made $1,000 per week prior to your accident, you would be entitled to about $666 per week for 100 weeks, or $66,600, multiplied by the percentage of loss.
Compensation claims regarding the eyes and vision can be more complicated. Unlike other injury types, such as an amputation injury, the loss of use of an eye can be harder to measure, especially because even if vision itself is restored, it could be cloudy or otherwise changed, and an employer may dispute loss (particularly if vision can be corrected with contact lenses or glasses).
Having an experienced workers’ compensation attorney on your side who can help you to prove vision loss, prove that your injury would not have occurred but for a workplace accident, and maximize your compensation award is essential. Vision loss is a serious thing; you deserve a severe attorney working for you.
At the law firm of Hampton Injury Law, our Virginia workers’ compensation attorney cares about you. To schedule your free consultation today, please call Mr. Jan Hoen directly, or send an email with a few brief details of your case.
Virginia workman’s comp lawyer Jan Hoen is prepared to fight to protect your legal rights. Contact Hampton Injury Law as soon as possible after a work injury and allow attorney Jan Hoen to use his resources and experience to fight for you.
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